V-10 Velcro CWL Sneakers - White Black - The Vegan Sneakers!
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How many reasons do you need to fall in love with a pair of shoes? V-10 Velcro CWL Sneakers are the perfect shoe for those who want to be trendy without giving up their green ideals. Made in Brazil by the French brand Veja, these beautiful sneakers are designed according to ethical and sustainability principles: from materials to logistics, from production to packaging, everything is managed respecting human and production resources. The V-10 Velcro CWL Sneakers are the best regarding eco-sustainability: they are completely vegan! The upper and velcro are in C.W.L. (Cotton Worked as Leather), organic cotton coated with a natural resin, a true vegan alternative to leather. The lining is made of organic cotton and recycled plastic bottles and the sole is made of biological material such as Amazonian rubber and rice waste. The packaging is made of recycled cardboard and the logistics are managed by Ateliers Sans Frontières, a French association that employs frail and unemployed people. Last but not least, V-10 Velcro CWL are comfortable, beautiful and practical thanks to the velcro closure, which is important for encouraging your child to be independent.
Product Features:
- V-10 Velcro CWL Sneakers
- Design: White Black
- Color: white, black, beige
- Material: C.W.L. (Cotton Worked as Leather) upper; V logo made of rubber and rice waste; sole in Amazonian rubber and rice waste; lining in organic cotton and recycled polyester
- Cotton worked as leather (C.W.L.). This material is a vegan alternative to leather. A 100% organic cotton canvas, coated with P.U., corn starch and ricinus oil (54% bio-based)
- Care: clean with warm soapy water. Allow air-drying
- Velcro 3 straps closure
- Beautiful and vegan
- Made in Brazil
- Innovative and eco-sustainable production
Why we like it:
- Veja is a French brand born in 2004 from the idea of François-Ghislain Morillon and Sébastien Kopp to produce ecological shoes manufactured with transparent methods and adapted to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, the packaging and transportation
- Veja sneakers are made in Brazil through the use of ecological, recycled, organic and biodegradable materials. Currently 10% of Veja shoes is 100% vegan
- Logistics is managed by Ateliers Sans Frontières, a French association that helps frail and unemployed people